Azure Window

The Azure Window (Maltese Tieqa Zerqa, German Blue Window ), is arisen due to environmental influences rock arch in the west of the Maltese island of Gozo. It is about 100 m long and 20 m high.


The rock formations were formed several million years ago. The archway and the whole surrounding cliffs are made of coral and Globigerinenkalk. The Azure Window and the upstream Blue Hole created by the collapse of two large caves. The entire cliff of the island is the last part of a former land bridge between Europe and Africa, which was interrupted at the end of the Ice Age, about 13,000 years ago. At the time, the vegetation of mixed and deciduous trees, which corresponded to the prevailing in today's Central Europe. In different geological eras, the water level varied greatly. This can be seen in fossil remains of the surrounding cliffs and near the Azure Window. In the vicinity of the Azure Window, you can visit old fossils seagrass meadows.

Erosion and decay

The Azure Window is constantly exposed to the sometimes very severe environmental conditions such as wind and heavy breakwaters. The effects can be seen almost every year by increasing the archway. It can not be excluded that the arch of the Azure Window will collapse within a few years. On older postcards, and designs from the 1960s and 1970s, you can still see an archway, showing a stronger ceiling. The partially very large demolition pieces can be seen under water. The prevailing throughout the year north-west wind ( Mistral ) has a very strong effect on the erosion of the cliffs.

Since the partial collapse in April 2012 to enter the archway is prohibited.


The Azure Window and the whole area Dwejra Point are declared as a nature park. This Dwejra Point attained the status of " Special Area of Conservation (SAC ) ". The project was primarily funded by the EU. The total cost of the project amounted to € 321,000, with the European Union contributed € 211,000. The rest was financed by the Nature Trust Malta and MEPA (Malta Environment and Planning Authority). The objectives of the project are not yet fully implemented. As before, the park is isolated illegally harpooned ( with air tanks) and coastal fishing is also not yet completely controlled. 2010 a part of the HBO series Game of Thrones was shot near the Azure Window. This caused damage to fossil seagrass meadows on which a film set with sand and tent village was filled. The whole set was regulated and protected by the local police. Subsequently, the Maltese coordinator and sub-contractors of the filming was ordered to pay 36,500 €. The total was used to clean the area and repairing the damage. The strong tourist influx has also an adverse effect on the vegetation and the fossil plant and animal remains.

Marines life

The sea falls on the back of the Azure Window abruptly at depths beyond 60 m. The large pieces demolition of the arch and the surrounding cliffs provide hiding places for a variety of marine animals. Caused by countless columns and rocks, there are many lobsters and slipper lobsters. There are also seen pelagic fish besides the usual coastal animals and life forms. Typical representatives are species such as gold stripes, rainbow wrasse, damselfish and octopuses. A Papageienfischart (European Parrotfish ), who came here from the Atlantic into the central Mediterranean Sea, is often observed here. The European Parrotfish is represented in most other Mediterranean coasts not as strong as for the Maltese Islands. The big grouper ( Serranus gigas ) is no longer so common in recent years as it was some years ago. On the back of the Azure Window, you can pelagic species such as the large amberjack ( Seriola dumerili ), barracuda or small tunas encounter. In the lower animals there are many great Serpulidae that exceed the size of tropical representative of the type in question. The steep walls are covered in many places with colorful anemones. Frequently coralline algae and sponges are found.


Due to the lack of nutrient-rich soils, the vegetation around the Azure Window is extremely sparse, is added the influence of the mistral and the resulting spray. Thus, in the immediate vicinity only a few grow, resistant plants. Coming On the way down the valley, San Lawrenz, one can see large agave ( Agave americana). Quite often is the caper plant ( Capparis Spinosa ) found in sunny sheltered rock niches. Occasionally, one can also Nice stonecrop (Sedum sediforme ), which survives in stony, poor soil. A special feature is the " national plant of Malta " Cheirolophus crassifolius. This plant is only found on Malta, Gozo and Fungus Rock. Unfortunately, this plant is threatened with extinction.


The Azure Window is the main tourist attraction in Gozo. Especially with day-trippers from Malta enjoys a great popularity. Due to the large amount of visitors, there is an increased burden on the waste and increased stress on the area.

The local fishermen offer boat trips from the nearby Inland Sea on by the Inland Sea Tunnel. This is an important additional source of income for fishermen dar. nearby local retailers offer different goods and refreshments.

Due to its location on the west side of the island the Azure Window provides an impressive backdrop for sunsets.


In the immediate vicinity of the Azure Window is the Fungus Rock, a large rock in the ocean, several endemic plant and animal species. A short walk inland - sea can be reached ( Inland Sea ). Between Azure Window and Inland Sea, there is a small church. A little higher is an old guard tower of St John. Called the Dwejra Tower tower was completed in 1652 during the reign of Grand Master Jean de Lascaris - Castellar. The tower should have a stretch of coast that was suitable for a landing of enemy troops or of Corsairs, monitor and alert the garrison in Victoria. For this purpose, the tower was built within sight of the other towers. The alarm was made during the day by the firing of a small cannon or musket, at night by lighting of a beacon. In defense of the Dwejra Tower was just like the other Lascaris Towers of only limited use since by design no heavy weapons could be set up.
