Baastrup's sign

Called Crohn Baastrup by Christian Ingerslev Baastrup also Baastrup syndrome or Baastrup character, is a term for back pain due to the juxtaposition of the spinous processes ( spinous process ) and irritation of the surrounding soft tissues ( ligaments and muscles ). In the English -speaking world, the disease is therefore appropriately called "kissing spine disease".


The reason for this approach is usually based on the general degeneration of the spine and a concomitant loss of altitude. However, it is also an enlargement (hypertrophy ) of the spinous processes due to heavy physical work discussed (causal histogenesis ). Typical activities that may cause such hypertrophy may be a long-time paddling activities ( eg road construction ).


In the study, the patient is at pressure and knock pain over the spinous processes and the surrounding soft tissues. When stretching ( extension) of the spine shows an amplification of the pain symptoms.


  • Radiological: Radiological proven contact of spinous processes, mainly in the lumbar spine due to increased lordosis and usually caused by wear narrowing of the intervertebral discs with training reactive sclerosis and Nearthrosen. Functional images in reclination show any direct contact with the affected spinous processes.
  • Infiltration Diagnostics: infiltration with local anesthetic in the area of ​​painful spinous processes eliminates the pain and thus confirms the diagnosis.


Conservative treatment approaches:

  • Physiotherapy, heat application, electrotherapy, infiltration with inflammatory agents and local anesthetics, etc.

Surgical treatment approaches:

  • Removal of the cause, ie reduction of the spinous processes. However, since concomitant often occur more wear and tear of the spine consist often residual symptoms.

See also

  • Kissing Spine in the horse
  • Osteoarthritis