Bacillary angiomatosis

When bacillary angiomatosis is a rare skin disease, less often is more common in AIDS patients with other immunodeficient. In these patients, Bartonella quintana and Bartonella henselae (causative agent of cat scratch disease) can cause angiogenesis by typical skin lesions. These are reddish- brown papules or nodules that may ulcerate or cause flat areas on bone lesions. The skin lesions may be accompanied by fever, chills and other systemic symptoms.

In principle, all organs can be mitbefallen, in addition to osteolysis, these are particularly common peliosis hepatis with the angiomatous foci in the liver, hepatosplenomegaly and general symptoms. Further complications are Neuroretinitis, aseptic meningitis and proliferative lesions in the central nervous system (CNS).


  • Dietel, Suttorp, Zeitz, Harrison ( eds ): Harrison's Internal Medicine. Dev scientific publishing; 16th edition, 2005. ISBN 3-936072-29-9
  • Bohm I et al. The bacillary angiomatosis. German Medical Journal 1995, 92: A1916 - 1921 url =
  • Bartonellosis