Back to the Roots (organisation)

Track search, also called Back to the Roots, is one of the Republic of Austria for the first time, initiated in 1994 exchange project. The aim of the project is to promote the exchange and relations between Austrian and Israeli youth. Here are 15 young Israelis who have Austrian family roots, invited for ten days to Austria. Together with 15 young Austrians is trying to figure out and to pursue until now unknown information about the ancestors of Israeli youths whose footsteps by traveling to the places where the ancestors lived.

Although the focus of this project is the search for clues, so the information-gathering of family roots, just as much emphasis is placed on ensuring that evolve Israeli- Austrian friendship. This includes the common sightseeing attractions, memorials and Austrian cities. For example, the Central Cemetery in Vienna, Mauthausen and genealogical purposes are visited the Austrian State Archives or the Matrikelamt of the Jewish community in Vienna's city temple.

Another component of the project are individually and free designed days of young Israelis and Austrians. This is to serve the Israelis to build their own relationship with the Austria of today. In addition, it aims to help all those involved to get to know Austria each from the perspective of " the other ".

The track list is organized by the Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth, and is one of the projects in the field of youth policy.
