
As a backbencher (English backbencher ) are called deputies who possess less prominent features within the Parliament. Such deputies sit "on the back benches " or in the back rows. The term was derived from the practice of the House, which is equipped today with benches ( benches engl. ): On the respective front benches to sit there, members of the government and the opposition leader over who Vorderbänkler (English frontbencher ); respectively to the rear, "on the back benches ," sit the other, less important parliamentarians.

The derogatory connotation of the German term ( as a supposedly insignificant backbencher MPs) often overlooks that a parliamentarian is not only working in the plenary. On the back benches may sit politicians who focus on the work in working groups and committees Bundestag. This was true for example for the temporary over 100 MPs scoring right wing of the SPD parliamentary group ( the so-called sewage workers ) to which consisted almost exclusively of backbenchers.

In the German Bundestag, the hierarchy is, for example, illustrated by the fact that only the members who have in the front rows of seats own tables, among other phone to their seats in the Chamber. There always sit the chairmen of the political groups. However, the backbenchers have the same rights as all other Members.

The members of the Bundestag have no fixed seats in the Chamber, in contrast to many other parliaments since 1986. But also had the rear seats Tables Before moving into the Bonn waterworks in 1986. Basically, a deputy so his seat (within the places of his group ) choose freely: When debating very complex issues, involving only a few, familiar with the subject deputies, then sit in the front rows. In policy debates with high visibility take you there, however, prominent politicians such as Presidents space. In this respect, the term backbenchers to be used in conjunction with the German Bundestag only figuratively.

In contrast, the major politicians sitting in the Swiss National Council in the back rows, so that they overlook what is happening in the room better and have the shortest possible path from the pump room to her seat.
