Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein

The bacteria- permeabilizing protein (. BPIP, of Engl Bactericidal / Permeability Increasing Protein, Gene Name: BPI) is a lipid -binding and pore-forming protein in mammals. It is an important part of the innate immune response to gram-negative bacteria. In addition to the bacteria- killing function BPIP supplies its an important contribution to the highly sensitive detection of gram-negative bacteria, for others it may be due to the neutralization of lipopolysaccharide prevent the development of septic shock due to an excessive immune response. BPIP is formed and distributed in the granules of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

Human BPI ( huBPI ) is a 55 kDa glycoprotein which could be isolated from the azurophil granules of human neutrophils originally.
