Baden (Pennsylvania)

Beaver County


Baden is a town in Beaver County. In the 2000 census, the city had a population of 4377th


Baden is located at 40 ° 38 ' 23 " north latitude and 80 ° 13' 36 " west longitude.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the size of the place is 6.4 km ², of which 5.9 km ² of land and 0.5 km ² waters. The proportion of water is 8.03%.


2000, there were 4377 inhabitants in 1,900 households, of which 1200 were family households. The population density was 738.0 inhabitants / km ². It houses 1986 ( 334.8 / km ²) were counted. 98.58 % of the population are White, 0.73 % African American, 0.05% Native American, 0.14 % Asian, 0.09 % belonged to other races, and 0.41 % reported two or more racial affiliations. 0.57% of the population were Hispanics of all races.

Of the 1900 households lived in 22.4 % had children under the age of 18, 49.4 % lived in married couples, 10.5 % of households had a female head of household and 36.8 % are non-families lived. In 33.2 % of households were living individuals, 18.2% individual associated persons over 65 years. The average household size was 2.20 persons and the average family size is 2.78.

17.4% of the local population is under the age of 18, 6.9 % from 18 to 24, 25.2% from 25 to 44, 22.7 % between 45 and 64, 27.8 % were older than 65, the mean age is 46 years. Per hundred female population, there are 83.8 males inhabitants. For over 18 years, this ratio is 78.8 men per 100 women.

The median household income (median) is $ 32 924, the median family income USD 40 924. Men achieve a median income of $ 31,025, one of $ 23,813 women. The per capita income in the city is 17,112. 7.9 % of the population and 5.1% of families are below the poverty line. Of the 18 -year-old live 12.5% ​​of those over 65 years of 9.2% below the poverty line.

  • Location in Pennsylvania
  • Location in North America
  • Beaver County ( Pennsylvania)

Pictures of Baden (Pennsylvania)
