Baggage car

A baggage car or van is a railway wagons for the carriage of baggage. It contains one or more luggage space with large loading doors ( for example, sliding doors, folding doors and roller shutters ), and most commonly a service compartment for the train crew. Many luggage carts are equipped as a side corridor carriage with a hall next to the luggage compartment, so they can be inserted at any point in the train and the possibility remains, to go by the train.

In classic luggage transport luggage has admitted on luggage counter in a train station, loaded from staff and can be picked up at the luggage counter at another train station again. This service is not offered by many paths; in Switzerland, he is yet to find.

Luggage can also be loaded by the traveler; in bicycles, this is mostly the case.

There are also half baggage car, the other regions have (for example, seats for travelers). In particular, in railcars is usually less than one car for the luggage available. Modern transport vehicles are often equipped with a multipurpose area where bicycles, prams, other loads and travelers can be accommodated in wheelchairs.

Mostly luggage carts are used in passenger trains, but there were also the carriage of baggage in separate trains ( overnight ) and Freight Train Caboose, in which rode along by the crew of freight trains.

Until the mid-20th century baggage car ran for safety reasons mostly directly behind the locomotive, today they are classified generally to Zugspitze or rear of the train, but there are also trains with luggage trolley in the middle.

In the German Federal Railroad ran from the 1950s luggage and half baggage car of the UIC type X of the types Dyl 901, Dms 902 and 905, 272 and 273 BDms (name from about 1976 )

Development in Germany

Länderbahn types

Overview of the Prussian types

In Prussia, " Standards for resources from 1883/84 " own sample drawings for passenger and freight train baggage car were already created in the. In the Standards of 1879 there was not yet such a pattern drawings for luggage carts. At that time, only the general principles of construction were established. So baggage car should be designed for biaxial passenger trains in the local traffic with a wheelbase of 5.0 m, for longer distances in three axes with a wheelbase of 6.5 meters. For two-axle baggage car freight trains are proposed with a wheelbase of 4.0 meters.

The train driver compartment must be zugünglich on a platform from the end walls here and the train driver provide the possibility of this compartment to look out of the train. All baggage car were additionally provided with an over the whole car length reaching running board.

Overview of the Bavarian types

Even with the Bavarian types of luggage carts there is a direct distinction between those for passenger trains and freight trains for such. And the Bavarian Standards for Wagenbau directed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the technical committees of the VDEW.

Unit types


A special design featured the Behelfspackwagen as in Germany, which were built from Behelfspersonenwagen series MCi -43. This 23 meter-long cars until into the 1990s, travel and Expressgutverkehr the DB. In the early years of the Federal Republic was not possible for reasons of cost of construction of new baggage car. Therefore, two wooden MCi cars were set on a chassis of the car factories, which were used as Behelfpackwagen MPw4ie -50 ( later MDrag 996 ). 100 copies included the first series. Most cars were running with the American gooseneck truck. From 1957, these cars were refined. Besides Gummiwulstübergängen the cargo space is equipped with a service compartment. Overall, 173 cars of type MPW 4yge (later MDyge 986 ) emerged. Most MDrag 996 cars were rebuilt in MDyge 986 - car. The side planking was covered by the model of the modern freight cars for revisions with steel sheets. Some cars were even approved for 140 km / h and could be used in high-speed trains and fast trains post.

After the end of passenger use Behelfspackwagen many have been converted into auxiliary coaches.
