
Baiae was an ancient settlement on the Gulf of Naples. Today, the Nachfolgeort Baia is a district of the city of Ischia.


Baiae lies on the northwestern edge of the Gulf of Naples, between Puteoli and Misenum the peninsula.


Baiae was the old harbor of the city, founded by Greek colonists Cumae. The name is derived from a companion or helmsman of Ulysses. There was always dependent on Cumae.

Baiae was known for his sources and developed mainly in the late Roman Republic and the beginning of the Empire became a popular spa and resort. Many wealthy Romans as Gaius Julius Caesar or Marcus Tullius Cicero could build sometimes expensive villas in the area of the city. Even Roman emperor Caligula as Nero or Hadrian took temporary residence there; a part of the territory of Baiae was an imperial possession since Augustus.

The life dedicated to pleasure in Baiae was proverbial; Cicero described it in his speech in defense of Caelius. Ovid called Baiae was the ideal place for lovemaking. Some contemporaries such as Seneca, who called the place a " rest house of vice" ( deversorium vitiorum ), criticized the levity in Baiae.


In Baiae extensive remains of ancient Thermenbauten are obtained, which are now in an archaeological park. Three Roman domes wear traditional terms as "temple", but really belonged to thermal facilities.

This swimming complex is considered the first major dome in the world, and existed from Roman concrete.

Archaeological Underwater Park

Due to changes in sea level ( bradyseism ) are part of the ancient town is now under water, where an archaeological reserve - the Underwater Archaeology Park of Baiae ( Parco Archeologico Sommerso di Baia) - was set up, which can be seen from boats or in dives that by the Association be organized Assodiving Flegreum. ( The supervision of the park is currently the responsibility of the Archaeological Authority of Naples and Caserta. )
