Bald-faced hornet

Dolichovespula maculata

Dolichovespula maculata is a species of wasp in North America.


It is a large species, workers are more than 15 millimeters, queens longer than 20 millimeters; they are significantly larger than, for example, German and common wasp. The animal is mainly black in color with white markings. Broad drawn are white face and mandibles and the last three tergites of the abdomen, the front of it tergite bears basal two small white spots. Red or yellow drawing elements are missing, except the yellowish or brownish colored underside of the antenna whip. Typical also are the long hairy tibiae and the irregularly coarsely obliquely striped propodeum.

The only other white drawn Dolichovespula - kind in North America, the northern spread in Alaska and Canada Dolichovespula albida. This is smaller and typically carries on the sides of the second Hinterleibstergits on both sides of a clear red spot. Dolichovespula maculata is often confused in North America with there also occurring hornet (Vespa crabro ), although it looks quite different. Their English common name is " bald-faced hornet", ie it is considered because of their size as a hornet. In the French -speaking countries and regions in North America it is guêpe à taches blanches called.

Way of life

The nature builds the typical Dolichovespula - Species of cardboard hanging nests in trees and shrubs to heights of about 20 meters, sometimes about less frequently on rock overhangs, house or shed walls and other man-made structures. The nests are open and exposed, sheltered sites are not preferred. The nests can reach a maximum diameter of 35 inches and a length of 60 centimeters and contain about 3500 cells in five honeycomb floors, but generally they remain significantly smaller. Grown nests contain about 100 to 400 workers. Young nests (April / May), sometimes fall on by a downward-pointing, chimney -like extension of the nest envelope. It nests like human settlement in the area where their people are often first noticed in late summer by the local residents. Dolichovespula maculata is not an aggressive type and defends her nest only in massive disruptions.

Dolichovespula maculata preferred live prey, they rarely occurs on carrion or human inventories. Prey are flying next to preferred other wasp species.


The species is restricted to North America and widespread here and often. It comes down to the north central Alaska and south to Florida, from the east to the west coast. You're lacking in the arid regions of the American Southwest, but comes along the coast south before into middle California. The species was once introduced to New Zealand.


  • R. D. Akre, A. Greene, J. F. MacDonald, P. J. Landolt, HG Davis ( 1980): Yellowjackets of America North of Mexico. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No.. 552, 102 pp.