Balearic dialect

Balearic ( katalan. [ català ] balear ) is a collective term for the spoken in the Balearic dialects of Catalan.

The Balearic dialects ( mallorquí, Menorquí, eivissenc, form less vulnerable ) are among the ostkatalanischen dialects. After the conquest by the Catalan- Aragonese crown the Balearic Islands were primarily settled in the 13th century by Ostkatalanen, which can be considered as a reason for the association of Balearenvarietät to ostkatalanischen dialects.


  • Veny, Joan (1982 ): Els parlars catalans. Palma: Editorial Moll
  • Meliá i Garí, Joan; Villaverde i Vidal, Joan -Albert (2008 ): La transmissió intergeneracional del català a Mallorca en les parelles lingüísticament mixtes. in: Llengua i Ús, pp. 62-71.
  • Catalan language
  • Balearic Islands
  • Dialect