Ball-jointed doll

A ball-jointed doll (English: ball - jointed doll ) is a doll whose limbs are connected by ball joints. Ball jointed dolls are considered collectable and less as a toy.


In a narrower sense, dolls meant by this term the Asian ball - jointed. These dolls are made ​​from resin, a hard, durable plastic. The individual parts are connected by a thick elastic band. BJDs are primarily produced in Japan, South Korea and China. Through the ball joints you have many options to position the doll. There are BJD dolls in many sizes, the three most common:

  • SD - 60 cm in size or a 1/3
  • MSD about 40 cm, or 1/4
  • Mini or Yo'SD 30 cm to far below

Pictures of Ball-jointed doll
