Bam Province

Bam is a province in the region of Centre- Nord in the West African nation of Burkina Faso with about 212 295 inhabitants ( 2001) to 4084 km ². The province consists of the departments of Bourzanga, Rollo, Zimtenga, Kongoussi, Tikare, Rouko, wetter, and Sabcé Guibaré. Capital is Kongoussi. Of economic importance for agriculture and fishing industry faces Bamsee.

Balé | Bam | Banwa | Bazèga | Bougouriba | Boulgou | Boulkiemdé | Comoé | Ganzourgou | Gnagna | Gourmand | Houet | Ioba | Kadiogo | Kénédougou | Komondjari | Kompienga | Kossi | Koulpélogo | Kouritenga | Kourwéogo | Léraba | Loroum | Mouhoun | Nahouri | Namentenga | Nayala | Noumbiel | Oubritenga | Oudalan | Passoré | Poni | Sanguié | Sanmatenga | Séno | Sissili | Soum | Sourou | Tapoa | Tuy | Yagha | Yatenga | Ziro | Zondoma | Zoundwéogo

  • Province in Burkina Faso
  • Centre- North