Banda languages

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo Volta - Congo North Volta - Congo Adamawa - Ubangi Ubangische languages



The Banda languages ​​are a group of languages ​​from the Ubangischen languages ​​and are spoken in Central Africa.

The individual languages

The Banda languages ​​are spoken primarily in the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo and have a language code in ISO 639:

  • The language family even gets the bad code (ISO 639-2 )
  • Banda - Bambari (ISO 639-3: liy ), 183,000 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Banda Banda (ISO 639-3 bpd ) 102,000 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Banda Mbrès (ISO 639-3 bqk ), 42,500 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Banda Ndélé (ISO 639-3: bfl ), 35,500 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Banda Yangere (ISO 639-3: yaj ), 26,500 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Mid- Southern Banda (ISO 639-3 bjo ), 100,000 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • South - Central Banda (ISO 639-3: lnl ), 150,000 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Togbo - Vara Banga (ISO 639-3: gate ), 12,000 speakers in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( 1984)
  • West Central Banda (ISO 639-3: bbp, also: Banda Tangbago ), 4,500 speakers in the Central African Republic ( 1996)
  • Language family
  • Adamawa - Ubangi languages