Banded penguin

Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus demersus)

The Penguins (Spheniscus ) are a bird genus within the family of penguins ( Spheniscidae ). They form a very homogeneous species, which is probably very recent origin.

The four types are distinguished by black stripes on the flanks, a characteristic black-and- white head pattern and bare skin on the head.

Since the Galapagos Islands are located on the equator, the Galapagos penguins Isabela Island are the only penguin species that breed on the northern hemisphere. This makes them the most northerly living penguins. The birds remain throughout the year in their colonies, breeding season and moult are usually highly variable and quite regardless of the season. Fairy penguins and the boys of jackass penguins look very similar, a finding which could be taken as an indication of the close relationship of the two genera.


Within the penguins there are four species, the African Penguin ( S. demersus), the Humboldt penguin (p. humboldti ), the Galápagos Penguin (p. mendiculus ) and the Magellanic penguin ( S. magellanicus ).

Pictures of Banded penguin
