Bangala language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Bangala



Bangala or Ngala is a Bantu language that is spoken in the northeastern part of the Congo in the south of Sudan, and in the extreme west of Uganda.

It is basically a different form of Lingala, and is used by people of different native languages ​​as a lingua franca, but rarely as a mother tongue. The estimated number of speakers of the language varies from 2 and 3.5 million .. It is spoken in the eastern and northeastern areas, where Lingala is spoken.


As the language Lingala spread to the west and south, her vocabulary has been increasingly replaced by languages ​​of other ethnic groups and regions, and it was more than an interim language (a language which is composed of elements of two or more languages ​​composed ) and was a language other than classified - Bangala. The vocabulary of Bangala differs - depending on the mother tongue of its speakers.

To the 1980s, with the popularity and the increased accessibility of Lingala in modern music, young people began in large villages and towns so much from the Lingala to assume that their Bangala increasingly assumed the status of a dialect rather than another language.

Pictures of Bangala language
