Bank card number

The Primary Account Number ( PAN) uniquely identifies credit and debit cards, it is a payment card number.

The PAN is encoded on track 2 of a credit card / debit card.


When paying with a card, the PAN is read, among other information, it can be implemented using databases in the country, Kreditinstut, sort code and account number. On card payment documents, the PAN is printed, the process, some of the digits of the PAN is often replaced by x. This is called PAN truncation.


The ISO / IEC 7812 defines the following structure.

  • The first character is a Major Industry Identifier (MII ).
  • The first six characters called hot Issuer Identification Number ( IIN ), formerly Bank Identification Number (BIN ). These are awarded by the American Bankers Association ( ABA).
  • The last character is a check digit calculated using the Luhn algorithm.
  • The total length is up to 19 characters.

The IIN of German debit cards start with 672, the IIN Sparkasse cards with 59

For German debit cards to encode the PAN is as follows:

Institution number

For the international card payments via bank debit cards, the central associations of the banking industry and the German Bundesbank have established a separate institution numbering; then the card-issuing bank receives a five-digit institution number.

Award and appearance

The institution number is five digits. The first is within the banking group number, the following four points can be freely chosen by the institutions. Member institutions of the Federal Association of German Banks and the bodies of the German Federal Bank, the banking group number 2 for the other it is the fourth place of their bank code.

The Federal Bank maintains a current list of bank codes and the associated PAN to download. Each institution number is assigned to exactly one BLZ, the reverse is not. There is no way to convert the 5-digit institution number and the 8 - digit routing each other.
