Banns of marriage

The line-up referred to in the marriage law, the public notice of intended marriage. The term comes from the canon law, since the introduction of civil marriage, but there are also a civilian posse.


With the squad an intended marriage has been made public, so that any impediments to marriage such as an already existing marriage could be reported. The banns 1215 First prescribed by the Fourth Lateran Council. In the canon 51 laid down by this, that the intention of marriage should be publicly announced by the priest. At the Council of Trent, this has been clarified, the squad now had three consecutive Sundays or public holidays will be announced both in the parish of the groom and the bride in worship.

Similar rules were also in the Anglican Church and most Protestant churches, the German state churches usually require only a one-time preaching or a notice board at the church. Since the Code of Canon Law of 1983, the Catholic Church asks only the announcement on a Sunday, which the priest can also relieve the Verlobtenpaar.

Since the introduction of civil marriage, the banns were called for by the state. Thus, in the German and Austrian Marriage Act the banns was provided. Due to the increasing mobility of people and the electronic management of the banns registers increasingly became a pure formality, since the presence of marriage obstacles could be easily eliminated by filing balance than by public notice. Consequently, the public levy was abolished in Germany in 1998 and replaced by the registration to marriage. In the Swiss marriage law corresponds to the application, the preparation method.
