Baptist World Alliance

North American Baptist Fellowship Asia Pacific Baptist Federation All Africa Baptist Fellowship Caribbean Baptist Fellowship Union of Baptists in Latin America European Baptist Federation

The Baptist World Alliance (English: Baptist World Alliance ) is an association of currently 214 national Baptist unions and represents one of the largest Protestant denominations. Headquarters of the World Federation is Washington, DC (USA). The current president, who held office since 2010, the American John Upton. The Office of the Executive Secretary Neville Callam holds; he took it over in 2007 as the successor of Denton Lotz.


1904 called the American John Newton Prestridge, publisher of "The Baptist Argus " on a global association of Baptist churches. His British counterpart John Howard Shakespeare ( The Baptist Times) supported this project. That same year, the Baptist Union of Great Britain hosted a World Congress of Baptists to London. This congress was held in July 1905 and adopted the following resolution, which then became the preamble to the Constitution of the Federation:

  • " Whereas, in the providence of God, the time has come When It Seems fitting more fully to manifest the essential oneness in the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour of the Their Churches of the Baptist order and faith Throughout the world, and to promote the spirit of fellowship, service and co -operation among them, while Recognizing the independence of each Particular church and not Assuming the functions of any existing organization, it is Agreed to form a Baptist World Alliance, Extending over every part of the world. "

Congresses of the Baptist World Alliance

It was planned, carried out every five years at different places of the world congresses, which, however, due to the wars and the economic crises of the 20th century could not always be kept. The following congresses have taken place so far:

President of the Baptist World Alliance

The highest representative of the Baptist Church Alliance is the respective President of the World Alliance of Baptists. It is usually chosen to five years. Vice presidents are always the chairmen of the six Baptist World regions.

Objectives of the Baptist World Alliance

  • The promotion of the unity of Baptists worldwide
  • The global evangelism
  • Support of non-performing nations
  • The commitment to the defense of human rights, particularly freedom of religion


The Baptist World Alliance has six geographic subdivisions:

  • North American Baptist Fellowship (North American Baptist Fellowship )
  • Asia Pacific Baptist Federation (Asia Pacific Baptist Federation)
  • Pan-African Baptist Fellowship ( All Africa Baptist Fellowship )
  • Caribbean Baptist Fellowship ( Caribbean Baptist Fellowship )
  • Association of Baptists in Latin America ( Union of Baptists in Latin America )
  • European- Baptist Federation ( European Baptist Federation). These include the Baptist Unions of the Middle East and Egypt.


The Baptist World Alliance represents approximately 37 million baptized church members in more than 200 nations.

  • Source for statistics 1958: JD Hughey, pp. 140ff
  • Source for statistics 2008: Baptist World Alliance

Pictures of Baptist World Alliance
