
41.80099522.26784Koordinaten: 41 ° 48 'N, 22 ° 16' O

Bargala was an ancient city in Thrace. Today's archaeological site lies in the Opština Karbinci at Dolen Kozjak in Macedonia.

Bargala that on the ancient road Oescus - Serdica - was Stobi is only mentioned in late antiquity, where it perhaps succeeded the previous Astibus. In the year 371/2, a gate was on the orders of the Roman governor of the province of Dacia Mediterranea, Anthony Alypius, built. End of the 4th century, the site of the city was moved about two kilometers in a higher position. Bargala was the seat of a bishop who is mentioned in the year 451 at the Council of Chalcedon. In the Diocese of the titular Bargala the Roman Catholic Church is declining. End of the 6th century Bargala was destroyed.
