
Shredded bark mulch, bark is unfermented without further additives. It finds particular application as a bottom cover.

By the bark mulch layer growth of unwanted weeds is significantly more difficult, the mulch is therefore very suitable for corners of the garden or the system to which you badly or almost does not approach as a gardener. The soil under the mulch does not dry out as quickly and stays moist longer. In addition, increasingly move to micro-organisms that increase the fertility of the soil in the long run.

Since the decomposition of the nitrogen is withdrawn from the ground, should be mixed horn chips to the substrate. In addition, only shrubs, hedges and the like are to mulch, not vegetable or flower beds. He ideal is under pine trees or hedges on the Tree of Life.

Furthermore finds bark in the terrarium use. There it is preferred untreated used as a soil substrate.

Possible Problems

There is no statutory provision from which shall consist of bark mulch. He does not even consist of bark, but can also be completely made ​​up of foreign matter, as long as these herbal origin are.

Another problem is cadmium contained in bark mulch. This highly toxic heavy metal in rocks and soils naturally present, however, the increasing acidification German forest soils, especially of spruce wood stocks means that the acid is the tightly bound cadmium triggers the rock and thereby available for the plants. These take up cadmium through their roots and store it in the bark.
