Barley water

The Agua de Cebada (Spanish for barley water ), short Cebada ( cebar, Spanish for " fattening " ), is a Spanish Gerstenmalzgetränk, which originally comes from the Romans. It is often drunk in the Valencia region to Horchata or even for yourself. Agua de Cebada is also enjoyed in Latin America, especially like in the Mexican state of Nayarit.

Agua de Cebada is made from malted barley:

  • The dried Gerstenmalzkörner be washed in a sieve clean.
  • Then the barley is cooked in a pot with water until the grains are soft. This takes about 3/4 hour.
  • In the filtered- fluid then some cane sugar is dissolved.
  • The Cebada is then placed in a cool with a bit of lemon zest and a cinnamon stick or cooled in a sorbet machine.
  • Non-alcoholic drink
  • Cereal product
  • Spanish Cuisine