Barros Blancos

Barros Blancos on the map of Uruguay

Barros Blancos is a city in the south of Uruguay.


It is located in the southwest of the department of Canelones in the sector 16 and sector 37 you will be surrounded here in the east of the split in two habitats city Fraccionamiento Camino Maldonado both in the West. Southwest of the city runs the Arroyo Meireles, while the urban area of ​​the small river and south of the Meneses de la Totora, a tributary of the Arroyo Pando flow.


The city was founded in 1940. Barros Blancos The name goes back on the colored ground of the locality. In 1976 she received then the name Capitán Juan Antonio Artigas by Juan Antonio Artigas, who settled here in 1730. Since 2007, however, the city bears its original name. In recent decades, she pointed to rapid population growth, with an influx of mainly by the lower middle class or the lower class people belonging from the nearby Monte Video is recorded. This ultimately led to the fact that since the 1980s, almost a merging with neighboring towns Pando and Monte Video is observed.



By Barros Blancos lead the city dividing Ruta 8, the Ruta 101 and forming the city border in the northwest Ruta 74


Among the schools in Barros Blancos include the Liceo No. founded in 1987. 1 de Barros Blancos and the Escuela El Tejado. Furthermore, there is the kindergarten No. 216


For 2010, the Intendency de Canelones indicates a population of 28 610. The population of Barros Blancos was at the last census in 2011, according to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay 31,650 inhabitants.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

City ​​council

Mayor ( alcalde ) of Barros Blancos is Napoleón Since Roza ( Frente Amplio ).
