Bartlett (Tennessee)

Shelby County


Bartlett is a city in Tennessee with 54 613 inhabitants ( 2010) and a suburb of Memphis.


1829, the area was first settled by white farmers and called Union Depot and Green Bottom. 1866 founded the still less than a hundred inhabitants, the independent community Bartlett, named after the plantation owner Gabriel M. Bartlett. By 1960, Bartlett was a small and insignificant village, with 508 inhabitants in the same year.


In 1960 there were only 508 inhabitants. Bartlett experienced a large population growth in the 1970s and 1980s by inflows and incorporations. Therefore, in 2000, there were already 40 543 people in Bartlett. In 2010 there were 54 613 inhabitants, which is an increase of almost 35 percent within 10 years. According to an estimate by the United States Census Bureau, the growth continues at a lower level.
