Bartolomeo Bon

Bartolomeo Bon (* 1404 ();? † 1464-1467 ) was a member of the famous Venice architect and sculptor Bon family from Bergamo. The name also appears as Bartolomeo Buon or Bono in the secondary literature. Bartolomeo Bon is the leading architects and sculptors of the Venetian architecture of the transition from the late Gothic to early Renaissance.

He was the son of a stonemason Zane Bon (ca. 1360-1443 ), by whom he was trained in the workshop in the town of San Marzilian. In a Treaty provides that "lo Zuane Bon tajapiera de la contrada of San Marzilian e mio fio Bortolamio ".

Bartolomeo worked at the famous Ca 'd'Oro in Venice, the Palace of Marin Contarini. The Fountain of the Palace is regarded as his first independent work, which was therefore of particular difficulty, because the red Verona marble is used to process very complicated.

In other respects, the structure was unusual, bearing the richest facade of all Venetian palaces. Marin Contarini namely steered the project highly independent, so that the individual ideas are hardly attributable to individual artists. In addition to the Bon he engaged Milanese artists and craftsmen under the direction of Matteo Raverti - a totally exceptional nature of the fragmentation of a job, but who also had enormous dimensions. Contarini coordinated the two teams. The Bon - team was responsible for the loggia of the lowest floor, then for the windows and the battlements, the tracery, while the Raverti team made ​​the two upper balconies, the stairs in the courtyard and the country portal. In addition, the Bon were almost all assigned to smaller tasks, so that, despite this division of labor probably represented Contarini's mainstay. The major bases of the palace started three other builders, the first of which, a Marco d' Amadio died early. He was followed by a master Here Christopher, then Antonio di Martini.

With his work to Bartolomeo Bon recommended for a prestigious government contract, namely for the construction of the Porta della Carta at the Doge's Palace, This connects the south wall of the Basilica di San Marco with the finished 1438 Piazzetta wing of the Doge's Palace. On September 27, 1422 the Great Council had decided to demolish the old and those in poor condition Ziani Palace and to build in its place a new, functional, but also magnificent and prestigious building - " in forma decora et convenienti " as it says in the appropriate decision document. 1424 began the construction. At the northwest corner of excellent work has been attached, such as the judgment of Solomon, which was to symbolize the sense of justice of the Republic of Venice, so that the planned Porta della Carta had to be significantly set back, so had to be moved further from the square towards the east, they wanted this new not lose masterpieces or move to other places. This is even more than this sculpture Bartolomeo Bon was attributed.

Probably they began work on the portal already in 1433, even before the Doge's Palace was completed at this point. Bartolomeo Bon signed his contract with the competent Provveditori al Sal on November 10, 1438th This Proveditori supervised the salt monopoly and its enormous sums were used repeatedly for the financing of government functions. Bon should be given the exorbitant sum of 1700 ducats, the construction period was 18 months. On the side of Provveditori signed Tommaso Malipiero, Antonio Marcello, Paolo and Marco Moro Valaresso.

Bartolomeo Bon put the contract in a sketch to define more precisely which tasks were achieved in individual cases. The contract together with the sketch is obtained. It turns out that these plans were changed, because there are the four virtues are not called that now adorn the portal, nor the kneeling Doge Francesco Foscari in front of the Lion of St. Mark, which in turn very well appear in the contract. This was not unusual, because the contract for the large window at the sea side, ie the south facade of the Doge's Palace, which had been closed on 2 October 1400 with Masegne, also contains only suggested the details of which have been executed later.

Also in the contract between the Proveditoren and Bartolomeo Bon committed period of 18 months to completion were not adhered to. A zetola mentioned on 17 April 1442 that Bon was still busy with the portal. This Bon agreed to complete the work within 12 months, otherwise it should befall a fine of 100 ducats. The delays may have lain in the fact that the four virtues were probably passed as subcontracting, so here schedule delays were difficult to prevent. In addition, Bon was even working at other sites, such as the Carita Church and the Scuola della Misericordia Vecchia. Moreover Bartolomeo died about 70 years father in 1443 as the Porta della Carta was finally finished, leaving its main creator 's signature: "Opus Bartolomei " on architrave - today one can see a copy..

Bons partner, probably even in the days when his father was frail, Pantaleon di Paolo, was the latest from about 1442nd Bon had by now while several daughters, but no son, who had come as his successor in question. These two came with their works in default, that they soon threatened a fine of 200 ducats. It turned to the now- existing Foscari staircase in the courtyard of the Doge's Palace. This time the Signoria he even threatened with it, never to hire him again what the threat was tantamount to a kind of blacklist.

1440-1453 Bon worked at the church of Santa Maria della Carita, he designed the portal of the Madonna dell'Orto as well as the portal of San Giovanni e Paolo. On the other hand, remained unfinished who commissioned the construction of the Cornaro Ca'del Duca, a monumental palace on the Grand Canal northeast of the Accademia, which was completed only up to the first floor and later integrated into the following structure. In addition, Bon other works are ascribed, such as the St. Francis statue at the west portal and the Emilianikapelle, both at the Frari Church.

Bon worked from about 1420 to about the mid- 1460s and at that time was the most important architect of the city of Venice. In his late creative period he built Renaissance elements in its perfect Gothic work.

