Barum (company)

Barum is a subsidiary of Continental AG. The official company is Barum Continental spol. s R.O..

Corporate headquarters is Otrokovice in the Czech Republic. Tires with the product name and Barum Continental are manufactured in the factory in Otrokovice and other production of the Continental Corporation in Sweden, France, Romania and Portugal. Originally the Bata Shoe Group subsidiary company produces not only tires, brakes ago ( brake pads, discs, hoses, pipes ).

The company was formed in 1945 from a merger of the shoe and rubber manufacturer Bata in Zlín, Rubena Náchod and Mitas. Since 1 March 1993 Barum is part of the Continental Group.

Barum is next to her car tires truck tires and tires for industrial vehicles ( such as forklifts or low loader ).

Pictures of Barum (company)
