
As low water is called the water level of water, which is well below a defined as a normal condition. Seaside low tide occurs periodically every 12 to 12 ½ hours, in contrast, seasonal rivers.

A distinction is basically between low water levels in the tidal area and low water levels in inland waters.

Low water levels in the tidal area

In the tidal cycle of the seas low water is the deepest water level in the transition from ebb to flood. Colloquially low water is often confused with the low tide. The arithmetic mean of Tidenstieg (TS) and Tidenfall (TF ) is called the tidal range (TH).

Low water in inland waters

For inland waters low water is primarily the result of a meteorologically induced precipitation or water shortage. Due to low water significant limitations of inland navigation can result. Furthermore, the production of plants that are dependent on removal of cooling or process water, are limited. For a constant discharge of pollutants occurs through the lack of dilution water to increased pollutant concentrations. As often simultaneously occurring movements slow flow and high temperatures may cause a too low oxygen content in the water, there is an increased risk of dying fish. Bank protection structures and rot on wooden piles when they are exposed to low water level the influence of oxygen. Low water can be influenced by human intervention both aggravating ( water abstraction ) and abmildernd ( low water levels ).

In addition to this definition, low water is also defined according to thresholds that ( etc. ecology, irrigation, navigation ) are valued differently depending on the viewpoint.
