
  • Group 5: Spitz and primitive types
  • Section 6: Primitive type
  • Without working trial

Central Africa

Great Britain

Congo Terrier

  • Male: 43 cm
  • Female: 40 cm
  • Male 11 kg
  • Female: 9.5 kg

The Basenji (also Congo Terrier ) is a breed recognized by the FCI (FCI Group 5, Section 6, Standard No. 43).

Origin and History

The Basenji is one of the primitive dogs, the pariah dogs or Schensihunden. Basenjis may well bark. Your barking is but monosyllabic, little melodic and is rarely used wherein they resemble the wolves.

It is believed that the breed either derived from the Egyptian Tesem or its ancestors. In his appearance, he is very similar to Tesem. The name Basenji means something like " little wild thing from the bush ," which in the language of the Pygmies as " ski base " sounds in the translation.

The Basenji originates from central Africa, where it was discovered in 1870 by the British. Since the 1930s, he is systematically bred as a dog breed. With the Pygmies Basenjis still live in the rainforest and drive the wild in this spanned networks.

1868/71 saw Georg Schweinfurth him striking dogs in the area Bahr el Ghazal ( South Sudan ) as a hunting helper in the Niam - Niam Azande and Mangbetu.


The Basenji is similar in type to the Spitz. His withers is 40-43 cm. He is about eleven kilograms heavy. The hair is short, glossy, dense and very fine. In the colors of the fur is pure black and white; maroon and white; black, tan and white with tan markings above the eyes small; black; tan and white. Brindle fur is marked with black stripes on reddish-brown ground. From the neck to the chest, the skin is characterized by a white surface. The tail should always be turned on and at the end have a white tip.


These animals are very clean, do not smell, barely losing hair and require very little maintenance. Since Basenjis are relatively sensitive to cold, they should be kept in the house or the apartment. The females of the breed come into season only once a year.

Basenjis need a lot of exercise and employment, especially if you hold the Basenji in the city. This breed requires a lot of knowledge about the holder from dogs, for beginners is a Basenji therefore not suitable.

The essence of this breed can be best described as follows: In their normal environment (eg in the home ) Basenjis are basically of serene nature, follow what is happening around them but always attentive to be immediately on the go, when something interesting happens. Outdoors they unfold their full temperament. There, they love to run and can hardly be deterred by anything else on their current interest.

Basenjis are quite stubborn and usually try to put their own needs to the fore. In any case, education can only be achieved on the basis of a very strong trust relationship with the respective reference person and as part of a clear and stable rank. For the education needs, particularly in the early years, planned a lot of time and a lot of patience to be applied.
