Bass (sound)

The term bass (also called bass ) is used for frequencies from 0 to 150 Hz.


This frequency range represented approximately one third of the audible frequency spectrum from the people and is therefore an essential part of human hearing.

Man listening to low sounds heavier and quieter than other areas of the acoustic spectrum. Has a sound of 20,0 phon / dB at 1000 Hz is about the same loudness perception for humans as a sound level of 80 dB at 20 Hz

Low frequencies are not only perceived by the ears but with your whole body - even the deaf can feel those vibrations and therefore dancing to the beat. In the Middle Ages it has made the work of the bass in the organ pieces in the Church advantage: Deep bass had something awe-inspiring, which is why they were used only at specific points.

Pure sine tones lower than 120 Hz are heavier localized by the human ear. Tones lower than 80 Hz are not localized in its direction of origin, but rather their pulse and their phase. Higher proportions of these sound bass tones, however, are helpful in the direction of localization. Therefore, the widespread assumption that the location of the subwoofer box would be almost no matter totally wrong. Also a sub bass to play at the same time and pulse axis as the central and tweeter.

Low tones can be recorded over long distances through. This fact make use of the fact, among other whales in their communications, but also the wide area sonar operates on the basis of the range of deep tones.
