
The Batak Pony is an Indonesian pony breed from the island of Sumatra.

Background information on the evaluation and breeding horses can be found at: exterior, interior and horse breeding.


The head of the Batak ponies has a slightly convex profile. The back is short with a pronounced withers and sloping croup. The Batak Pony has a deep chest, a sloping shoulder and well muscled legs with hard hooves. Its shoulder height is 122-132 cm. All colors are represented.


The Batak Pony is friendly and also very frugal and willing to learn, so it is very good as children riding pony suitable. Its elegance, the Batak Pony thanks to the Arab influence.

Breeding history

The Batak Pony is grown on the island of Sumatra, to improve the breed thoroughbred Arabians were bred. The best representatives are brought on other Indonesian islands to improve the local ponies.
