Battery (chess)

In chess is meant by a battery in the broadest sense, a combination of at least two characters along a particular line of action. The word is used here somewhat differently in different areas.

  • In the chess composition, it is a situation for a deduction. The withdrawing and the consequent risk of figure form the battery. A quandary is a battery with discovered check, which is fired again and again.
  • In chess games is called a battery, a concentration of the same line of action figures along its line of action to exert a concentrated attack - especially the lady in combination with tower or rotor.

Example from a study

The bishop on b2 and the tower on g7 here form a battery against the black king, although ready for a discovered check, but can not be used effectively. After 1 Ka1 -b1 the previously possible chess of the black tower is avoided on a6. Black is now in a tight spot and can not provide meaningful chess, so that he loses his tower, for example, after 1 ... T6 -h1 2 TG-7 g1 . If the black tower instead, as it exists in another version of the study, would be at f8, shall gain 1 Ka1 -a2 and Black would again no meaningful train.

Example of a game

Capablanca moved here 33 TA7 - d7? (better Dd1 -f3! ), which allowed Alekhine, with 33 ... Qg6 - e6! build a battery in the e-file and thus set up a double threat: the TD7 is attacked, and Re5 - e1 threatens women's earnings. Capablanca escaped with the intermediate check 34 Dd1 -d3 g7- g6 immediate material loss, but could not hold the position.

Alekhine was a master of the battery control, and often came through them to victory, his best-known example is the three-party battery in the c- line against Nimzowitsch.

  • Chess motif