Battle Creek (Michigan)

Calhoun County


Battle Creek is an American city in Calhoun County, Michigan. The city has 53 364 inhabitants ( 2000 census ).

Battle Creek is the headquarters of the global company Kellogg Company and Post Cereals from, a subsidiary of Illinois originating from Kraft Foods. The city is the Handlungsort the novel The Road to Wellville by TC Boyle and the eponymous film.


The name " Battle Creek " had its origin in a fight between a group surveyor to Colonel John Mullett and two Indians. According to various sources Mullett and his group in winter 1823/1824 were engaged in surveying in the vicinity of the present town, as the work of the surveyor was disturbed by Indians. Two members of the group who had remained in the camp were attacked by two Indians who allegedly tried to steal the provisions of the group. During the fight, one of the Indians was seriously injured, the surveyor then left the area and came back in June 1824 after Governor Cass had resolved the problem with the Indians. Because of this incident, the river nearby Battle Creek River was named.

The first settlements in Battle Creek Township were built about 1831, with most settlers settled near the fertile and easily cultivated Goguac prairie. A post office was opened in Battle Creek in 1832. There followed in 1833 a school and a sawmill in 1837. A brickyard was established in 1840 by Simon Carr and operated until 1903. The community was founded in 1839.


According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has an area of ​​113.1 km2 of which 110.9 km2 of land area and 2.2 km2 water surface. Battle Creek is by size the third largest city in Michigan. Approximately 60 % of the city is developed. The merger of Battle Creek Township and the City of Battle Creek in 1983, the city received nearly 18,000 new residents. Nevertheless, the population tends to decline.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Henry Clay Branson (1904-1981), writer
  • Dacia Bridges, singer
  • Betty Hutton (1921-2007), singer and actress
  • Will Keith Kellogg (1860-1951), industrialist
  • John Kitzmiller (1913-1965), actor
  • Watts S. Humphrey (1927-2010), computer
  • Jason Newsted ( b. 1963 ), musician
  • Rob Van Dam (born 1970 ), professional wrestler