Battle of Beneventum (275 BC)

Heraclea - Ausculum - Beneventum

The Battle of Beneventum was the last battle that was fought in the Pyrrhic war between the army of Pyrrhus of Epirus and the Roman consul Manius Curius under their dentate. It took place in 275 BC during today's Benevento and was organized with the victory of the Romans a decisive stage in its expansion in the south of Italy.

The resources of Pyrrhus were greatly weakened by his campaigns in Sicily against Carthage and by previous Pyrrhic victories against Rome. Meanwhile the Romans ' war elephants set well on the fight with Pyrrhus, who still scored a devastating effect in the first battles, could now be treated with the use of fire in panic but so that they were causing themselves harm in the ranks of Epirus. Pyrrhus had to admit defeat, especially as the Samnites were now fallen back under Roman dominion. Pyrrhus returned to Epirus, to make instead in Greece and Macedonia further conquests; Taranto he left only a small garrison, it capitulated to the Romans soon.

The site of the battle was Maleventum, immediately after the battle, the Romans named the place then into Beneventum.
