Battle of Bosworth Field

St Albans - Blore Heath - Ludlow - Northampton - Wakefield - Mortimer 's Cross - St Albans - Ferrybridge - Towton - Hedgeley Moor - Hexham - Edgecote Moor - Losecote Field - Barnet - Tewkesbury - Bosworth Field - Stoke

The Battle of Bosworth Field was considered the end of the English Wars of the Roses. In fact, these were only ended with the Battle of Stoke.

On August 22, 1485 here came the armies of King Richard III. and Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, later King Henry VII of England, to each other. The battle ended with the death of Richard III. , Which fell as the last English king in a battle. The battle was thus with decided that the Earl of Northumberland neutral behaved with his troops and allies Richards Lord Thomas Stanley and Sir William Stanley changed sides.

Henry, who can be regarded as representative of the " red rose " the former House of Lancaster, married the daughter of King Edward IV and thus an heiress of the house of York. The bitter feud between the two noble houses was thus finished first. Dynastic followed the ongoing until the death of Elizabeth I reign of the Tudor. Henry, however, had afterwards to assert against pretenders, so in 1487 against Lambert Simnel, but the battle of Stoke lost, making the Wars of the Roses were finally finished.
