Battle of Gitschin

Custozza - Chicken Creek - Podol - Nachod - Trautenau - Langensalza - Skalitz - Miinchengratz - Gitschin - Koniginhof - Pig Skull - Hradec Kralove - Dermbach - Kissingen - Main campaign - Frohnhofen - Aschaffenburg - Lissa - Bezzecca - Blumenau - Dog Home - Tauberbischofsheim - Werbach - Helmet City - Gerchsheim - Uettingen / Roßbrunn

The Battle of Gitschin was a battle of the German war, which took place the other end on June 29, 1866 between Prussia on the one hand and the Austrians and Saxons.


After the First Corps of the Austrians had withdrawn on June 28, 1866 after the Battle of Miinchengratz together with the allied Saxon army, they took with Crown Prince Albert the fight in anticipation of an advance of the main army under the Austrian commander Ludwig von Benedek on the afternoon of June 29 again.

To you the first Prussian army was under Prince Frederick Charles Nicholas of Prussia, who attacked simultaneously from the west and north. As the evening arrived the news that Benedek had abandoned his intention Albert broke off the fight. In nocturnal street fight the Prussians conquered the city Gitschin while the defeated alliance troops retreated southeastward toward the upper Elbe.
