Battle of Jieting

SISHUI ​​Pass - Hulao Pass - Jieqiao - Guandu - Changban - Chibi - Tong Gate - Hefei - Dingjun - Fancheng - Xiaoting - Southern Campaign - shiting - Jieting - Northern Expeditions - Wu- Zhang- level

The Battle of Jieting was part of the Northern Expeditions of Zhuge Liang.

For the supply of inventories Jieting was a crossroads, and Zhuge Liang sent his generals Ma Su and Wang Ping as an overseer there. But Ma Su did not listen to Wang Ping's military advice. By relying only on tactical writings, he wanted to occupy the highest point of the battlefield and hit the camp at the summit. The Council of Wang Ping to store in the valley because of the favorable water supply rather he lashed out. With this tactical error of the Wei general Zhang He could surround the hill. Although Ma Su was able to break through help with Wang Ping, but the army and the camp were lost.

Because of the loss of Jieting the supply for Zhuge Liang was extremely delicate, so that he was forced to retreat to Hanzhong. He then opened his Ma Su executed for his failure, though he had previously estimated him because of his intelligence.

  • 228
  • Battle ( the Three Kingdoms period )