Battle of Shizugatake

The Battle of Shizugatake (Japanese賤ヶ岳の戦い い, Shizugatake no tatakai ) in May 1583 was an important battle in Japanese history. The victory in this battle succeeded Toyotomi Hideyoshi to consolidate its dominant position in Japan and off his opponent Shibata Katsuie.


After his victory at Yamazaki Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought on to become the most powerful man in Japan. In May 1583 reached Katsuie Shibata, a former Nobunaga Oda retainers, a series of fortifications on the north of Lake Biwa Toyotomi had applied to higher locations, including Shizugatake. Although it was possible for attackers to kill the commander of the defense, Nakagawa Kiyohide, they could not take the attachment.


Sakuma Morisama, commander of the besiegers, got by Shibata order to retreat when the news was received that Toyotomi was with a considerable army on the march to Shizugatake. However, Sakuma continued the siege, because he believed Toyotomi three days' walk. But required less than 24 hours. Sakuma, forced to hastily taken up a defensive position, was quickly overwhelmed. In this battle had seven samurai Toyotomi, who henceforth the seven spears were called by Shizugatake, opportunity to excel especially.
