Battle of Stony Point

The Battle of Stony Point was a battle action in the American Revolutionary War and took place in the night of 15th to July 16th, 1779 between American Continental Army and the British Army instead.


After the defeat of General John Burgoyne after the Battle of Saratoga in October 1777 and the entry of France into the war changed the strategy of England. They tried General Washington to move from its positions during this firmly sat in established positions to the British in New York with small attacks.


About 1,500 American infantrymen commanded by Anthony Wayne, raided at night a fortified position of the British, which was about 750 strong, on the Hudson River just south of West Point, New York. The position was taken within 25 minutes and resulted in the loss of an entire infantry regiment of the British. The Americans lost 15, the British 20 men. The position that secured a Fährübergang, was abandoned three days after your dose. The British took the position again, but gave them up again, as they were of the opinion that it was indefensible. Two years later the Continental Army used this transition in order to achieve the siege of Yorktown ( Virginia).
