Battle of the Trench

The grave battle ( or war grave, غزوة الخندق / ġazwatu ʾ l - Handaq ) was the attack of an alliance of Quraish, some other strains as well as mercenary Abyssinian to Medina in 627 AD Mohammed was - the Islamic historiography according to the Council Salmān al - Fārisīs following - draw a moat around Medina to defend the oasis, which is why the attack was known as " grave battle". This hitherto unknown in Arabia strategy did nothing to oppose the attackers, so they began a siege of the oasis, in the course especially diplomacy was operated. After two weeks, the attacker moved back from having overcome without the ditch.

Reports of the battle have survived only in Islamic historiography, especially in the Maghazi and sira literature. In the Koran the grave battle in sura 33, verse is treated 9 to 25.


Arrived after the Hijrah to Yathrib lacked the emigrants any financial livelihood, so they - according altarabischem custom - began to plunder the caravans of Quraish, who were now, after the expulsion of the Prophet and his Meccan followers regarded as alien tribe. The first caravan raids were unsuccessful; the first successful raid took place 624 AD in January. To a major military confrontation between Muhammad and the Quraysh occurred in March of the same year at Badr, emerged from the Mohammed and his followers despite numerical inferiority as the winner. In order to take revenge for their defeat at Badr, the Quraish decided a year later to attack Medina. This became known for winning the Quraysh attack as a battle of Uhud. In this battle, the expulsion of the Banu Nadir, who fled partly to Syria, partly settled in Khaybar and supported from there the Quraysh in the grave battle ensued.

Battle Record

The Meccans had two years earlier, after the battle of Uhud, began to prepare for an attack on Medina and won it the support of several tribes. In the end, they had brought together an army of about 10,000 or 7,500 men with 600 horses. However, Mohammed, the man had about 3,000 were available, the grain already harvested in the north of the oasis so that the fodder for the Meccan cavalry quickly became scarce on arrival. When he had learned the imminent departure of the enemy army from Mecca, Muhammad ordered his followers, meanwhile, dig a trench. After six days of work on this ditch where Muhammad had personally involved were terminated.

The Muslim troops actually superior Meccan cavalry was pushed back while trying to cross the ditch. An attack with their infantry seem to have shunned because of the experience of previous battles with the Muslims the attacker. Because their main attack strategy was zunichtegemacht by the Quraysh and their allies began a siege of Medina, where they were, however, entirely inexperienced. After two weeks without major military activity, the siege was ended after the Confederacy had been dissolved.

The failure of the attack strengthened Muhammad's position in Medina enormously and led to a depression in Mecca. Immediately following the battle was followed by the destruction of the Banu Qurayza.
