Battle of Tippecanoe

In the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 troops of the United States of America fought under the leadership of then Governor William Henry Harrison against Tecumseh's Indian Confederacy. The battle took place in front of Prophetstown, the main camp of the Indian confederation in the vicinity of present-day Battle Ground, instead.


Tecumseh, the other Indian tribes traveled to gain more allied comrades, leaving in his absence his brother Tenskwatawa the lead Prophetstown. War leader was White Loon from the tribe of Shawnee. The American troop leadership took advantage of Tecumseh's absence to carry a heavy blow against the center of his Indian alliance.


On November 6, 1811, about 1,000 militiamen under the command reached Harrisons Prophetstown. When the soldiers were in sight of the city, rode out a negotiator for the Indians and asked for a truce until the next day, then to be able to hold a meeting. Harrison agreed to the ceasefire, but not familiar Tenskwatawa and let set overnight guards. The Indians attacked because of a prophecy Tenskwatawas that they were invulnerable, in the dawn of the next day, November 7, 1811, the camp of the American troops. But American troops could this surprise attack, as well as further advances ward throughout the morning.

The next day, November 8, 1811 Harrison sent a small detachment of soldiers in the Indian camp for exploration. Then the sources disagree. The soldiers reported that they found left the warehouse by an old woman. Other sources report of a massacre of women and children in the camp. Harrison was definitely burn down the city and marched his troops home.

See also: Tippecanoe County, Chronology of the Indian Wars

  • Battle of the Indian Wars
  • Battle (19th Century )
  • History of the United States (1789-1849)
  • History of Indiana
  • Conflict in 1811