
51.5069444444447.8016666666667187Koordinaten: 51 ° 30 ' 25 "N, 7 ° 48 ' 6" O

Bausenhagen is a district of Fröndenberg, Unna district. It lies in the east of the urban area in the southern part of the hair strand at an altitude of 171 meters above sea level. The village has 515 inhabitants (as of September 2010).

Through the village run the provincial road 881 and county road 35, the Federal Highway 44 and State Road 1 lead in the north over.

Bausenhagen is the oldest church of the city Fröndenberg. The place was first mentioned in 993. On January 1, 1968, the formerly independent municipality came by the law on the restructuring of the district Unna to Fröndenberg.

In the 18th century, was dug in the district for coal.

In Bausenhagen there are two sports fields, an airfield for model airplanes, a recording studio, two churches with cemeteries, two restaurants and a Catholic Marienheim.

Bausenhagen has a bus service, which can be an hour drive to Unna or Fröndenberg.

In Bausenhagen there are several clubs: the sports club green and white Bausenhagen ( soccer) with the Department grassroots, the marching band Bausenhagen eV and a shooting club parish Bausenhagen.
