BCI is an abbreviation for:

  • Banco Comercial e de Investimentos, a bank in Mozambique
  • Barro Colorado Iceland, an island in Gatunsee, a section of the Panama Canal
  • Bat Conservation International, one of the largest non-profit bat conservation organizations
  • Better Cotton Initiative, a non-profit organization with the goal to promote the sustainable production of cotton
  • Bi - caudate index, a key figure in the Neuroananatomie (maximum distance of the anterior horns in the lateral ventricles divided by the distance between the two Caudatumteile )
  • Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, a faculty of TU Dortmund
  • Brain-Computer Interface, an interface between the brain and a computer
  • Bulk Current Injection, a method of measurement of electromagnetic compatibility
  • Disambiguation
  • Abbreviation