Beba Veche

Beba Veche ( Altbeba German, Hungarian Óbéba ) is a municipality in Timiş, Banat, Romania.

Geographical Location

Beba Veche is located in the tri-border region Romania - Serbia -Hungary and is the westernmost point of Romania. The next place in Hungary Kübekháza is 800 meters; the next Serbian place Kanjiža, is 7 km away. Immediately adjacent to Beba Veche is the Obelisk Triplex Confinium, which marks the limit point of the border triangle Romania Serbia - Hungary.

Neighboring towns


In a deed dated February 9, 1247 Beba was first mentioned in a document in writing. The place, however, is much older, as evidenced by archaeological excavations and finds. 1902 was found during excavations ten graves from the Bronze Age, with rings and necklaces made ​​of shells came to light.

In the years 1557-1558 Beba consisted of 15 houses; 1583 were mentioned with about 1500 sheep three shepherds. During the Turkish occupation Beba was pastureland. From this time, however, come two old stone bridges in Altbeba, at the entrance and at the exit.

After the peace of Passaro joke on 21 July 1718 the Banat was connected after 164 years of Turkish rule of the Habsburg monarchy and placed under an imperial crown and chamber domain of the Vienna Imperial Government. It started the Habsburg colonization of the Banat Swabians by the so-called trains. At the Mercy map from 1723, the area between the Tisza and Mures was reported as Prädium. During the Teresian settlement period (1740-1780) is settled about 300 families from different parts of the Habsburg monarchy in Altbeba. In addition, German Banat came in the years of management by Count Mercy in the context of internal migration from the villages Albrechtsflor and Marienfeld. With these, the first Hungarians and Romanians moved into Altbeba.

As a result of the Austro- Hungarian compromise in February 1867 Banat came under Hungarian control domestically. It put a huge Magyarisierungswelle, which reached its peak in the early 20th century. 1781 the whole area was purchased by Count Batthiány and his brothers for 227 888 gold florins. Over time, more and more Romanians and Hungarians moved to Altbeba. The Banat Swabians were in place always in the minority.

As the Banat on 4 June 1920 as a result of the Treaty of Trianon was divided into three parts, Beba Veche fell to Serbia. Only in 1923, after a border settlement between Serbia and Romania, the town was annexed to Romania.

As a result of the Waffen-SS Agreement of May 12, 1943 between the Antonescu government and Hitler's Germany all ethnic German conscript men were drafted into the German army. Even before the war, in January 1945, the deportation of all ethnic German women took place between 18 and 30 years and men aged 16-45 years to build labor in the Soviet Union instead.

The land reform law of 23 March 1945 which provided for the expropriation of German farmers in Romania, the rural population escaped the livelihoods. The expropriated land was distributed to small farmers, farm workers and settlers from other parts of the country. Early 1950s, the collectivization of agriculture was initiated. Through the nationalization law of 11 June 1948 providing for the nationalization of all industrial and commercial establishments, banks and insurance companies, the expropriation of all farms took place regardless of ethnicity.

As the population along the Romanian- Yugoslav border of the Romanian governance after the rift between Stalin and Tito and his exclusion was classified from the Cominform alliance as a security risk, took place on 18 June 1951, the deportation " of politically unzuverlässlichen elements " in the Bărăgan - steppe, regardless of ethnicity. Romanian leadership aimed at the same time to break the onset of resistance to the upcoming collectivization of agriculture. Bărăganverschleppten When returning home in 1956, they received the 1945 expropriated houses and farms refunded. possession of the field, however, was collectivized.

