
Importance is the caused by a character, a word, or a statement related knowledge. The significance has the meaning of a spoken utterance. In ordinary language, the term also referred to the importance that is attached measured an object. In technical terms it is the one in the semantics, which are to understand a linguistic expression or another character.

The meaning of the word is already in Middle High German as bediutunge occupied, the original word use was aimed at " interpretation " The adjectives meaning ( "important", "outstanding", actually "on something pointing ", " significant " ) and significant ( " significant " ) emerged in the 17th century.

Significance can be elevated speech a substitute word for " sense " or "meaning". But it can also "importance" and " scope " appeal and thus a " significant condition ".

General language meaning

General Linguistically importance today is for two different situations, which are therefore always differentiated into German dictionaries:

  • Meaning refers to a " certain sense ". A " sense which lies in actions, circumstances, things, phenomena ". Also, the " content " of an object or work, or even the meaning of terms whose meaning framework and context of use on circumscribing explanations or definitions are explained.
  • In a second important use is aimed at the "importance" of an object. This refers to " weight ", " scope ", " concern " and " validity ", "view ", " value ". Or even the "rank " of a person or thing.

Trade Linguistic Meaning

The philosophical theory of meaning is semantics. The technical term meaning teaching can, in addition to the semantics, also appeal to the semasiology.

Significance ( en. meaning, Fr. Signification ) is regarded as the central concept of both the semantics and linguistics (linguistics ), since significance is the main feature of the language and its units. There is no sign of no importance, they have always the form and meaning. In this respect, the elaboration of the concept of meaning is considered as a task of linguistics and in particular the linguistic semantics. Here, the notion of meaning in exchange is used with other supportive terms, such as " word content or content -intentioned or my, intention or intending, control the use or convention, concept and knowledge, concept and reference, name, designation or designation, communication and information, meaning and understanding. " There are different views on the "meaning of meaning" and various attempts at definition.

In linguistics, moreover, there are numerous composite technical terms related to linguistic expressions and their meaning: meaning narrowing (also meaning narrowing), meaning extension, meaning field (also word field), meaning structure, transfer of meaning (also shift in meaning ), meaning deterioration, change in meaning.

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