Beijing Review

The weekly magazine Beijing Rundschau published in Beijing in multiple languages. Brings you official news especially about China and government documents and is the most important foreign-language political and theoretical organ of the Chinese government.


The English-language weekly Beijing Review was founded in March 1958 at the suggestion of Zhou Enlai to replace the magazine People 's China, which was published semimonthly from 1950 to December 1957. Most of the articles were written directly in English and in the early days of Israel Epstein worked in the editorial office.

The first unofficial German -language edition of the Beijing Rundschau probably appeared early 1963 As of September 1964, the German -language edition was published regularly.; numerous recipients were sympathizers and members of Maoist organizations in the FRG. As a free annual gift also appeared a calendar. The newspaper was like other international publications printed on thin paper, shipped with Airmail, and also reported on activities of sympathetic groups. With the introduction of Pinyin In 1979 she was named the Beijing Review.

Over the years, the magazine was published in eight languages. The aim was to global information and promotion on the part of the relevant Chinese government. Today, only the Chinese and the English edition in printed form. The journal is published on the Internet on German, French and Japanese. The Spanish-language edition was in 2004 completely set with the notice, readers may contact the Spanish-language edition of China today.

Publishing house

The editors and translators rod Beijing Review has always been closely connected to the publisher of foreign-language literature and several other magazines. Today, Beijing is one Rundschau along with the publisher and the other magazines on the foreign language office.
