Belgian Bearded d'Anvers

Henne to 600 grams

The Antwerp bearded dwarf is one in the second half of the 19th century in Belgium erzüchtete or racially refined domestic chicken breed. This globally widespread race exists only as a dwarf form. A large form does not exist. Therefore it is referred to as Urzwergrasse.

There are a total of twenty-one color varieties of this chicken as a special feature are the colored quail call. You and the modifications this color are a special Belgian chickens dar. This Bantams have a calm demeanor, are very tame and are highly mobile.

As a race feature much body should ( cuckoo exception, genetic flesh color) in front of the mostly blue colored races be subject to little behind ( 2/3 to 1/3 ). This rosenkämmigen chickens also have a full jaw and chin beard. Hence the soft food should not be mushy to avoid sticking of the beard and feather pecking in the sequence. In the attitude of these are straightforward and set diligently for the body size of very large eggs.

Closely related breeds are the cultivators beard Dwarfs ( tailless Antwerp ), Ukkeler beard Dwarfs ( federfüßig and einfachkämmig ) Ever Berger beard Dwarfs ( tailless Ukkeler ) Watermaalsche beard Dwarfs ( with Schopf three times parted beard and triple thorn of the rose- comb ) and Bosvoorder beard Dwarfs ( tailless Watermaalsche ). In Germany, only the three tailed variants are recognized at the moment.

Recognized colors strokes: (as of 2014)

Black, white, red, yellow, pearl gray, cuckoo, Blue - Lined, Silver - Black Fringed, quail Colored, Blue Quail colored, silver quail colored, pearl gray silver quail -colored, yellow-black Columbia, yellow-blue Columbia, White-Black Columbia, Goldhalsig, Blue - Goldhalsig, with silvery, Rotgesattelt, black and white patches, pearl gray mottled with white, gold - colored porcelain, porcelain Isabell - colored, yellow with white dots
