Bendorf (Haut-Rhin)

Bendorf is a commune with 228 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Haut-Rhin in the Alsace region. The place is located in the canton of the arrondissement Ferrette Altkirch. The municipality is a member of the Association of Municipalities Alsatian Jura.

The highest point is 677 meters above sea level in the northern part of the municipality. The village center is about 550 meters above sea level. The main industry is agriculture. Main roads connect directly with Bendorf Durlinsdorf and Ferrette. Other neighboring municipalities are Mœrnach, Kœstlach, Vieux- Ferrette Ligsdorf and angle.


  • Ferme du protection forest, Dated to 1554 farm
  • Cross -increasing Church (L' église Exaltation de la Sainte -Croix ), built in 1783
  • Croix de la Peste from 1624

