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Benesse Corporation (Japaneseベネッセ コーポレーション) is a Japanese company in the field of distance education and publishing, and was founded in the city of Okayama. It is listed on the stock exchanges of Tokyo and Osaka respectively, in the first section (securities identification number 9783 ). Gained international recognition the company esp. the parent company of Berlitz language schools.

Origin of the company name

The name is derived from the Latin words " bene" (good) and " esse " ( to be).


On 28 January 1955, the bookstore Fukutake Company (株式会社 福 武 书店) was founded. In 1994, as a second corporate headquarters the Fukutake Shoten Tokyo Building (now Benesse Corporation Tokyo Building ) in the town of Tama, Tokyo, completed since April 1995, the company Benesse Corporation was called, in 2009 it was renamed Bennese Holdings.

A milestone in the company's history was the acquisition of a majority stake to the Berlitz language schools following their IPO in 1989, acquired in 2001, Benesse Corporation, the Berlitz language schools to 100 %.

Pictures of Benesse
