Bengt Danielsson

Bengt Danielsson (* July 6, 1921; † 4 July 1997) was a Swedish anthropologist and director of the Swedish National Museum of Ethnology ( 1967-1971 ).

He became known for his participation in the " Kon-Tiki Expedition" in 1947. In 1948 he married a French woman in Lima, Marie- Therese, and lived with her ​​only to Raroia ( Tuamotu Archipelago ) ( 1949-1952 ), then in Tahiti (since 1953). He received his doctorate in 1955 at Uppsala University with a thesis on "Work and life on Raroia ". The Danielsson there have published many studies on Polynesia, including a six - volume history of the islands. They were active in environmental protection, especially against the French nuclear tests and are therefore winners of the 1991 Right Livelihood Award has become. Bengt Danielsson was a time long Swedish Honorary Consul in Tahiti, had the title of pressure from the French government but can take off.
