Benther Berg

Map a display board at the trail around the mountain Benther

The mountain is a Benther to 173.3 m above sea level. NN high ridge of land at Calenberger Benthe in the Region of Hannover in Lower Saxony ( Germany ).

Geographical location

The Benther mountain, which is about 3.5 km long and 500 m wide lies west southwest of the city of Hanover and directly adjacent to the city limits. It lies between these localities: Lenthe (city Gehrden ) in the north, each slightly off the north- north-east Velber ( Seelze ) and the Hanoverian districts Badenstedt and Davenstedt in the Northeast. Directly on the mountainside is Benthe that belongs to the city Ronnenberg, with the southern settlement in the seven- bustards - stones. Beyond or east of Benthe extends Empelde. In the south (both the city Gehrden ) is located on the slopes of Mount Benther Everloh with the manor Erichshof and in the West Northen. South and east passes about in west-east direction of the main road 65


On the Benther Berg exist prehistoric tumuli fields from the Bronze Age. The namesake of the collection is the village south of the ridge lying Benthe.


The Benther mountain is almost entirely composed of mixed deciduous forest. In some smaller areas there is spruce forest. Its highest point, which is about 100 m rising above the surrounding area is 173.3 m above sea level. Sea level and is located at the southern end. Immediate south-southwest of this point is a high container of Harzwasserwerke, which lies on a water pipe from the resin to Bremen. A north of Benthe located place of Benther Bergs is 126.6 m above sea level. NN.

Recreation area

The Benther Berg is an important recreational area for the city of Hanover. It is especially popular with mountain bikers. The Benther mountain is crossed by several single-track trails. Along its edge leads the Green ring, a bike path that encircles Hannover.
